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Solar Activity 23 Jul


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Well, the Sun shone again this morning, but it clouded over in the afternoon. And the seeing was very wobbly, too, forcing me to increase gain, shoot more frames & keep a smaller percentage (mostly 450 frames from 3000 today).

The solar surface activity is similar to yesterday. AR 11089 remains dominant, with continuous low grade flarelike activity:


0945 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


0911 UT. WO FLT 110, Lunt solar wedge, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


0918 UT. WO FLT 110, Lunt B1200 CaK diagonal, prime focus, DMK21 (seeing was too bad to focus with the Powermate)

The filaments which were in the NW sector yesterday seem to have disappeared but the prominent filament in the NE remains. The small plage preceding it is still visible but nowhere near as bright as yesterday.


0932 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21

Prominences: the bright low group on the NW limb is still visible, greatly changed in aspect but not in type:


0942 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21

There is a whole mass of minor prominences in the south east:


0935 - 0938 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21 (three frame mosaic; resampled 0.89x)

A bright medium sized broad column in the north east:


0940 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21

Last but by no means least, a faint but attractive "wishbone" in the south west:


0943 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21

Finally, here's the CaK overview:


0904 UT. Coronado PST CaK, prime focus, DMK41

Transparency very good. Seeing bad with severe boiling. Temperature 21C, wind NW force 1-2.

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