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Stellarium and Goto sync

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I am trying to use Stellarium to control my Skywatcher Goto AZ mount so that I can have a go at planetary imaging with a webcam. You brilliant SGL users have managed to guide me through the whole process of getting it all working... superb!

Just one final question on this subject, is it possible to get the mount and Stellarium in sync so that when objects are selected in Stellarium they end up centered in the eyepiece? So far, despite trying multiple different alignments, it seems that if I centre on Vega for instance and then slew to Arcturus, the scope gets the object in the field of view (if I'm lucky) but definately not centered, even with a 15mm EP.

Stellarium indicates that the scope is spot-on?

I have set the co-ordinates and times on the handset and software to as close a match as possible but no joy.

Is it possible to get this accurate or am I just being too picky?

Any tips, tricks or pointers would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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yeah... Stellariumscope was the only way I could get it to work. I can centre the alignment stars so that switching between them puts them in the centre of FOV but other objects I slew to end up almost out of the eyepiece. I am just wondering if this is normal.

Thanks for the reply!


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It depends on where your allignment stars are in comparison to where you are going to. If you use 3 allign stars in the East say you might well be out if you goto the West. I tend to use 3 stars that form a triangle around where you want to view/image. In EQMOD Ascon Driver you can save your align data, so building a map of the sky as you add more align points.

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