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DSS cannot find stars

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I am trying to stack some pics I took last night in DSS: 20 lights, 20 darks + master bias frame

The attached individual light frame (like many of the 20) says there are no stars:icon_scratch: As a result it only wants to stack one frame

The info file for this frame reads:

OverallQuality = 0.00
RedXShift = 0.0
RedYShift = 0.0
BlueXShift = 0.0
BlueYShift = 0.0
SkyBackground = 0.0110
NrStars = 0

slider is set to 2% (so it registers as many stars as possible)

Any suggestions??


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I tried the jpeg you posted...

made a few copies of it and tried playing about with the detection threshold...

If you set it too low DSS detects the noise as stars and you end up with loads of "false" stars and it refuses to stack if you set it too high then you dont get enough stars for DSS to stack - IIRC it wants around 12 or more to be able to stack...

Are you shooting raws?

If you are let me know and I'll send you my addy so you can e-mail one to haev a look at...


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Yes, they are RAWS.

DSS is currently working its way through 400 M81 shots I took last night and seems to be having the same problem. But the first set I took last night went through brilliantly.

Will also send one of the frames that worked so you can compare.


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