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How do you get the "SYNC SCOPE" to work with Starry Night Pro?

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Playing around with the software this afternoon I can't figure out how to get the 'scope view to realign itself. The Manuel says to move the 'scope using the hand controller buttons, but they don't work when its in RS232 mode. Baffled at the moment.

I wanted to use the sun to align the 'scope in daylight as the usual alignment stars weren't very visible, after aligning I thought I might move to Jupiter, take off the solar filter and have a peek but it wouldn't play ball.

Captain Chaos

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Playing around with the software this afternoon I can't figure out how to get the 'scope view to realign itself. The Manuel says to move the 'scope using the hand controller buttons, but they don't work when its in RS232 mode. Baffled at the moment.

I wanted to use the sun to align the 'scope in daylight as the usual alignment stars weren't very visible, after aligning I thought I might move to Jupiter, take off the solar filter and have a peek but it wouldn't play ball.

Captain Chaos

Well, align the scope normally, switch to RS232 mode then tell SNP where it is. (Right click on target and bottom of the menu). You may have to reconnect. Otherwise, just bring up the telescope control dialogue window in SNP and use that to move the scope.


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