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RCX or LX200R?

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Musing about lottery wins and / or getting a few bob together I was looking at telescope House's website. i found that the 200mm LX200R is going for around £1K for the tube only, which seems like a good deal. Anybody know if the extra dosh for the RCX is worth it?

The RCX is goto mount as well, has built in dew heaters and the smallest size is 250mm so there's a lot more stuff for the extra wonga.

Some of you have the RCX so why did you get that over the LX200R and does it do what it says on the tin?


Captain Chaos

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I think a few people have been wondering about this , the 10" 200R costs about £2749 with mount (the OTA costs £1599 with no diagonal or finder) and the 10" RCX400 costs £3999 with mount . The RCX has more complex built in features such as auto collimation etc. Could not find any direct comparisons , as regarding optical qualities , between the two on the internet.

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