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Need some help. CCD can someone contact me please


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Need to have a chat with someone about CCD imaging with RGB filters.

The processes involved, stacking, processing.

I am very experienced with DSLR, but need to chat to someone about the move to CCD.

So is anyone will to give have a phone chat to talk about it seeing it is cloudy tonight.

PM me with your number and a suitable time and I will call you.

Many thanks for anyhelp. So many questions.


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What image capture and image processing software are you using?


Some of my questions are regarding what is best to use and buy.

uestions, probably easy yto chat to someone, I am a quick learner and shouldn't take too long.

I have Maxim 5 / CS3 Full / DSS / PHD

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Looks like you've already made the decision of what to buy! In my opininion, it doesn't get better than MaximDL 5 for camera control and initial image processing with CS3 for all your final processing needs


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So is it a matter of

1. Choosing RGB filter

2. Focusing because they focus different using a Bahnitov mask.

3. Taking images.

4. Stacking them for RGB separately in DSS to give a channel stack.

5. Combining them somehow : This bit not sure of. MAXIM ???

6. Then normal processing

Is this about right ?

Other questions.

1. Do I still use a LP filter even though doing RGB frames. I guess yes.

2. What is Luminance ? is that LRGB. So what is luminance ?

Plenty more questions, but that will do for now.

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Assuming I already have the Luminence data, I normally...

1. I normally take the Red and Blue first, primarily because you can create a 'fake' green channel using Noel's Action in PS. Be aware that you'll normally have to get more Blue data due to atmospheric scattering, I tend to go for an extra 25%. Obviously if you have time then do the green too but you can do it another night if you have to. Are you planning on binning the colour or not?

2. You will need to re-focus in between filters even if your filters are parfocal especially with your ED scopes because they're not really apochromatic. Even with 'proper' APO's I re-focus.

3. Get the data

4. Stack the individual colour stacks in DSS

5. I combine mine in PS then align them in DSS, but I believe you can do all that in Maxim and other software.

6. Process as per Martin's primer.

Other Q's

1. Yes

2. Luminence is the Black & White data, the 'L' in LRGB.


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So is it a matter of

1. Choosing RGB filter

2. Focusing because they focus different using a Bahnitov mask.

3. Taking images.

4. Stacking them for RGB separately in DSS to give a channel stack.

5. Combining them somehow : This bit not sure of. MAXIM ???

6. Then normal processing

1. Baader RGB will do - those that don't pass IR are better, but you can also use cheaper ones (that don't block IR by themselves).

2. if they are parfocal (better ones) then one-time focusing will be ok.

5. I use Astra Image :) very easy

1. Do I still use a LP filter even though doing RGB frames. I guess yes.

Most RGB filters have a gap in yellow to limit LP. In some cases LP filter may be needed. Or narrowband ;)

2. What is Luminance ? is that LRGB. So what is luminance ?

L is a best quality image you can get using some filter. Like you can take nebula in R,G,B but it won't be super contrast - you shoot in for examle H-alfa for very good monochrome look. Then stacking this with RGB will cause to move the colors from poor RGB to super sharp H-alfa image :)

This is RGB:


and this is LRGB (L - IR passing filter):


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