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oops - binoviewers

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I "accidentally" bought a pair of binoviewers at astrofest. The nice man assured me that with the supplied 1.6x barlow, they would definitely come to focus in my 10" skywatcher newt and should come to focus in my ed80. Not strictly true:(

In the newt, I'm guessing I need about half a centimetre more in-travel (or I need the moon to come a lot nearer...). I don't want to shell out on a new focuser but I notice that the 2" to 1.25" adaptor supplied with the skywatcher is quite "tall" (about 3.5cm) and I suspect that with a shorter adaptor, it would come to focus no problem. Anyone know if you can get such a thing?

In the ed80, it doesn't get anywhere near focus except if i take out the diagonal and stick the binoviewer straight into the focuser (without the barlow) - but that's not exactly a very comfortable way of using it. I think, again, it's a lack of in-travel but it's hard to tell as it doesn't get anywhere near focus with the diagonal in (with or withou tthe barlow). Would a higher power barlow help with that problem?

Many thanks


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