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M51 Widefield


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Last night's efforts on Mars were hopeless so turned my attention to M51 instead.

Only 80 minutes of data so far (20 x 4 minute subs at ISO800). Darks and Flats taken.

Still getting an annoying glow in all my images in the bottom left corner when processing. Only two things I can think of at the moment - glare from my laptop or amp glow. ANyone any other suggestions? Think I might also go to 5 or 6 minute subs so that I don't have to process it so hard.


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Like that a lot...

I'd be very suprised if its ampglow from the 1000D as I have never seen it even on very long subs during testing but I am sure someone who doesnt use one will be along to tell you otherwise :)

I teed to cover the laptop screen with rubylith and turn the brightness right down Wehn I ma monitoring remote I even partially close the screen - just watch though as the laptop will hibernate if the screen closes to far...I use a piece of foam to stop it "hibernating"..

Do you cover over the viewfinder when your taking subs... theres the fiddly little cover that your supposed to mount on the but I just use 2 layers of duct tape...


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Thanks for the reply Billy. I'm glad you like the image - it's a bonus really as I was going to pack up after a failed Mars imaging session but decided just to have a quick go. That's why I only have 80 minutes data so far.

Funnily enough - I realised last night afterwards I'd forgotten to cover up the viewfinder - could partially explain it although I've had this before when the viewfinder has been covered up. I think the laptop is the most likely culprit - have noew discovered how to dim the image on the screen thanks to my daughter - I'll also shield it from the scope. It will be intersting to see if this solves the problem. I want to get a closer image of M51 as well but I'll have to use my 1 1/4" adaptor for that as I don't have any 2" barlows so I'll have to cope with the extra vignetting.

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