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Skywatcher UHC filter

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Yay, my UHC filter arrived today. Accordingly the weather prediction has changed from it being clear tonight to being cloudy within the space of the last 24 hours.

Does anyone know how these filters work? I had a peek at some street lamps through them and can make out a long line of repeated images of the street lamp suggesting some form of resonant cavity to me. Hopefully attached is a picture of what it looked like.


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UHC filters are used to enhance the contrast of nebulae. The are most effective on planetary nebulae but also help a bit with other types of nebulae. They don't make any difference with galaxies I've found - dark skies are best for those !.

You may find that stars look a little distorted with the filter.

As far as I know they are not designed to filter out artifical light pollution.


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Sorry guys, you misunderstand me. I know what they do, I'm interested in how they do it i.e. do they just absorb light out of their pass band like a colour filter or are they set up as a resonant cavity filter? The multiple images of the lamp were included as my evidence of the second, but I am unsure.

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they are interference filters made by the Fabry Perrot technique. Layer upon layer of dielectric material is deposited onto the glass substrate, the thickness of the deposition being relative to the wavelength of unwanted light. Thus most of the unwanted wavelengths are rejected by being effectively 'tuned out'. Your resonant cavity analogy is not far off the mark.


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they are interference filters made by the Fabry Perrot technique. Layer upon layer of dielectric material is deposited onto the glass substrate, the thickness of the deposition being relative to the wavelength of unwanted light. Thus most of the unwanted wavelengths are rejected by being effectively 'tuned out'. Your resonant cavity analogy is not far off the mark.


Excellent! So it's just a series of etalons then! Looks like I might get some clear sky tonight to try it out for the first time.

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