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canon 450d

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Hello am very new to astronomy only had skymax 127 AZ goto for about 4 weeks .I very much enjoy my new chosen hobby .I have been able to look at Jupiter and the moon with some detail. That’s about all i have seen in the sky.I would like to be able to see galaxies and nebula .but i think you need to take pictures over a long period to get any good results.So i have just got myself a canon 450d DSLR but have no idea how to set up on the scope or what else I need to purchase to start taking pictures. I don’t even know if the camera is any good for astrophotography please help me.............



Skymax 127 AZ goto

Canon 450d dslr

Bins 8-24x50

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The camera is good for astrophotography, it's what I'm using. The scope for photography though is rather slow, meaning you'll need much longer exposures. As you're using an AltAz mount, you max exposure time, if you are low in the east or west, and have a well balanced setup is going to be about 2 minutes. The FOV is also narrow, and, with the long focal length, you're tracking will be tested.

However, did you get any lenses with the camera ? If so, you could consider getting a dovetail bar and mounting the camera directly on the dovetail. Fit that to the scope instead of the Skymax and get some widefields.

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