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New Horizon


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Ok, so I am new on here and was just wondering if anybody else is as excited as me about the New Horizon mission to Pluto, the Kuiper belt and beyond. I have spent most of my 26 years with a keen interest in astronomy and am more than excited that by 2015 we will know so much more about Pluto and even have images - no longer will it appear as just a faint dot or blurred image (such as that seen through the Hubble telescope). I can't wait to see what information comes back about Charon and other Kuiper Belt objects. The images that it has produced of Jupiter and its moons are breath taking! I appreciate that Voyager 1 and 2 have already travelled so much further but this was before new technologies and without a close Pluto fly by.

Hope somebody else is equally as excited as me, only 5 and a bit years to go!


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