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Shawn's First

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Well for the last couple of days since I bought it scope the weather has been absolutely uncooperative. Well tonight the sky seemed to open up to my amazement as I got off work so I got home as fast as I legally could :).

Since I live in town with the typical light pollution to deal with I just make due and find stuff to hide behind.

I didn't really plan on looking for anything in particalar, I just wanted to look as some stars, planets, etc.

Well I'm looking around and "BAM" I see this really bright star in the sky, setup, aim, focus and what do I think I see!?!?!

Jupiter, yes I could swear it was Jupiter, the few good focus attempts I got revealed a large bright mass (cant really prove it was a planet) with what appears to be 3 small objects (moons?) on a some what even plane.

Well just as I get ready to put the 9mm with 2x Barlow the clouds roll in and obscure the image, fading it in and out. After about a hour I gave up and came inside. This just fueled the fire for me.

Sunday night looks very clear on the forecast so I am planning on going out to Claytor Lake or the reservoir for some spotting :)

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Confirmed it is Jupiter, sky clearing up periodically and I can see Jup very nicely. My cheapo with the 9mm without Barlow 2x shows a sharp image of Jup. I can see 2 of the dark belts of Jup and what I a guessing is 4 of the moons, Io, Gannemeade, Callisto and Im not sure of the other off the top my head.

Two of the moons appear to be quite close to each other.

Can anyone verify this information for me? Are two of Jups moons in close proximity?

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