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M57 Visual

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No really, I did look down the thing for a change!

Last night I went out to get M57 again and ended up getting an image of M13 because the setup position necessary for M57 was too windswept (see seperate post for M13). I did get to look at M57 for about half an hour while I also messed about with the DSLR on the Newt's piggyback thing. The view in the 20mm eyepiece (X50) was outstanding with colour visible in the ring. The averted vision thing was necessary, so I couldn't decide if I could see a star in the centre. On to the 10mm EP and the ring was much fainter as expected, but still there. No colour visible at this mag. level though. 6mm was too much and I could make out a ghost of a ring, more because I knew it was there than actually being able to see it. The wobble caused by the wind obviously meant that there was no chance of a picture so I spent a long time just looking and then decided to move the 'scope. to a different spot away from the gusts. The leeward side of the van had no view of the ring, so I went for something brighter to image as the wobble problem wouldn't be as bad, hence M13.

Captain Chaos

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