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Venus 2009 July 22


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With all the excitement over Jupiter, don't forget the other brilliant planet, Venus, which is now very well placed for observation about 8-9 BST before the day starts to warm up.

Conditions were poor on this occasion, with much thin cloud, but we see features in the UV clouds here: the common 3-pronged fork pattern (or psi marking) with the two northern prongs closer together.

Stacks of about 2500 images taken at 34 fps.



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I had a go at Venus the other morning David but it was a complete disaster. I`ve neber had any luck with Venus tbh so i don`t tend to bother with it, imaging wise i mean. Is the UV filter you used oe of those expensive filters? Its a great image David!!!!


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It's the old Baader 1.25" Venus filter. May not be available any more. They introduced a 2" one (expensive) and stopped making the 1.25" one, strangely. There is also an Astrodon/Schuler 1.25" UV Venus filter, but difficult to get. Bernard may be able to get it. Probably about £100.


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