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MIrror in LED torch (flashlight) shocker


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OK, I know that they claim only 90-something % reflectivity, but I was a bit worried when I casually shone my white LED torch through my MAK127. You could see "straight through" the secondary mirror. :icon_salut:

I calmed down a bit, when I found you could just about see it through a Density 5 solar filter too. But, pause for thought - <impressed>! :cool:

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The "flashlight test" always shows "defects" of absolutely no practical consequence, that's why it's a Bad Idea to do it.

The only reason I ever shine a flashlight at the front end is to check for dew on the front surface, an issue which does have a very real impact on performance.

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Did you shine it through the front or the back? Of course, that 'mirror' is only a thin aluminium coating on the back of the corrector lens. I'll have to try that! :icon_salut:
Shone it throught the back... for a change - So it was the plated-on secondary. :headbang:

IIRC, I did (vaguely) learn something. That probably the secondary mirror was about the right size - even a tad oversized. Not totally insignificant, when folks claim the MAK127 has a "narrow field of view", and/or is vignetted by the exit orifice. I suspect the ultimate source of the HARD vignetting is the far end of the mirror transit tube... Which may indeed usefully function as internal baffling. :D

The outside of the corrector plate was (once) significantly smeary - and from new! But a drop of Smirnoff works wonders! And no, I'm NOT advocating such things - At least for cleaning optics. :cool:

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