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GPS and GOTO mounts

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Hi all,

Can anyone confirm to me that when I am using GPS to fix my location, date time etc on my EQ6PRO that I should select No for daylight savings?

I assume the GPS time will be UT and therefore no djustment will be needed??

Thanks in Advance

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Thanks Steve, I trust that using it in this way means a laptop connected to the mount?

As I have to drive 30 miles to get any decent dark skies i've kind of stayed away from using a laptop up the hills.

However, I appreciate your feedback. How does EQmod treat the time issue? Does it get it from the PC or from the GPS?

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With the GPS the synscan controller holds both Local time and UT.

I say Yes to daylight but i belive this just updates the local time and doesnt affect anything else.

There is a manual here http://thadlabs.com/FILES/SynScan_GPS_Instruction_Rev_B_101906.pdfwhich

has some details on the menu options once you have a GPS fix, next time I am out i will confirm the times held for UT and LT

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