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First attempt - I know it's not very good, but...

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I took these overnight using my Pixel 8 Pro XL, holding it by hand to the eyepiece (Tele Vue 13mm Ethos) on my Orion XXg14.   I had no idea what I was doing, obviously.  These are single exposures.  I lined up the camera with the eyepiece by shining a red mini-flashlight into the scope and moving the phone around until I had the red circle more of less centered in the camera view.  I got that tip from Ratlet on thread where I introduced myself over in the "Welcome" forum and it helped a TON. (Thanks for that Ratlet)  It wasn't easy to find.  These are pretty poor, out of focus, and I have no idea where all that red/pink/purple garbage came from because it sure wasn't in the sky, but hey - it kinda worked?    I also tried using the Tele Vue 31mm Nagler I have but I was never able to get the camera lined up with that one for some reason.  I'm using the Synscan app to run the telescope via a WiFi link from the same phone, so that's pretty awkward to manage both.   I had the phone camera set to "pro" mode using only the middle lense, manual ISO (maxed out), manual focus (I think, but I noticed it seemed to keep switching back to auto without me asking it to), about a 1/6 second shutter speed (although judging by the sounds it made, it sure seemed longer than that).

I need to spend a lot more time learning how to do this,  use separate devices for control and camera, and I know I have a ton to learn and I haven't even dipped a toe in the water of multiple stacked exposures yet (that seems like it's going to have a huge learning curve).    Can anyone tell me where all those weird colors came from and what to do about them?  Thanks.





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