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Galaxy hunt


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Has anyone of you tried imaging new galaxy and distant galaxy clusters yet?

Embark on a journey with me as I attempt to find new galaxies and clusters with my nexstar 8se.



1 The galaxy should not be cataloged as Messier, Cadwell or NGC objects

2 It should not be an irregular galaxy.

Submit your galaxy finds below👇👇

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Many deep sky images capture small and faint galaxies that are not catalogued, especially when aimed outside of the plane of the Milky Way. It’s even possible to visually observe uncatalogued galaxies.

Just last year amateurs discovered a previously undetected giant Oiii cloud near Andromeda https://www.astrobin.com/1d8ivk/.

I’m not saying you’re going to be able to do things like this with your 8SE… but amateurs can and do make new discoveries and it won’t do you any harm to go out and try, so Good luck! 🤞 

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In most of my images I can find a few galaxies that are not listed in Vizier or Simbad. The problem is how to determine that these are in fact galaxies. They are usually faint, small irregular fuzzies, never spirals.

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