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Celestron C6-S CG5 for imaging

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I was thinking of buying a 450D, just wonderd what i would need to start imaging with this set up,and what sort of things are best to image with this scope.

I would love to image some globular clusters, as they are just awesome to look at through the EP ,would it be possible to image any deep sky stuff also.

forgot my mount is driven also.



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Hi Luke

My son has a 450 - it's a great camera and the liveview function is useful for focusing.

My problem is accurate polar alignment. I can't manage it with my CG5 mount for exposures longer than say 45secs. I'm sure it isn't impossible, but if you're moving the tripod every time, it's not easy.

That said, short exposures give good results. Planetary and lunar should be great.

However, if you're serious about imaging DSOs, I'm of the opinion that you need to go guided. Which means an additional scope and a better mount - EQ5 or 6. This means a lot more money...

I may be wrong, but to do it well, I think imaging gets expensive.

Any imagers have any opinions on this?

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