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help with visibility of milkyway 'core' targets

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so while i was imaging nothing last night, around midnight i decided to try my hand at the milkway, as i've never seen it. used my dslr 18mm kit lens (maybe f3.5 not sure at 18mm) tripod no tracker and intervalometer set at 8 second subs. wasn't expecting anything much, just to prove milkyway actually exists.

can anyone have a reasonable guess at the two main patches of stars near the bottom of the image. this would help me have at least a vague idea what i can target low to the south through houses and jungle. 

i *think* the lower patch is roughly the large sagitarius star cloud and the one above and slightly left is the lagoon nebula? if so, i should be able to get a few hours on lagoon nebula which i didn't think i could see.  if so by default the triffid nebula and even the omega and eagle nebulas as they're higher up?

some sort of safety eyewear is recommended before viewing the image below :) 672 seconds no flats cos my flats gave weird results. 







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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, 900SL said:

Use stellarium web. Set your location, date and time.


Already sort of do that Ty. It was more identifying which of the glowy areas I could see :)

I managed 18mins on omega nebula between trees and maybe two hours on ngc6823 guiding literally through a tree :)

quick test on omega looks good for 18mins. No sign of ngc6823 reflection nebula though :(

Edited by TiffsAndAstro
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