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The Quirky Quark


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Hello All,

For as long as I've been imaging the sun in Ha I have always had the same problem and that is uneven contrast across the image. I had it with my PST and I now have it with my Quark Chromo. I can't find any technique in Photoshop that will solve it and I know of no other software that might be the answer. I have found ways to wind it down but at the cost of detail.

Does anyone else have this problem and perhaps a solution?



20240719 Solar Disc v2.jpg

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It's a bit odd you've had it across two different telescopes, my PST didn't have this issue, neither does the quark.

If it's the same camera you've used have you checked the glass and sensor is clean?

I'm not sure even taking and applying flats would help if that's the case.

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