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210724 Brief window for White light and H alpha


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The weather really has made my solar imaging very challenging. I managed to take these two images this morning before the clouds rolled in. The white light image was taken using a Skywatcher Equinox 80 with Starwave solar wedge and a Zwo ASI 462MM camera and UV/IR cut filter. It consists of 2 30 second videos (top and bottom) with the best 60% of frames stacked in AS4. Ice as ever failed to combine the two images so I did it manually in Microsoft Paint!! The final image was coloured using Gimp and sharpened in Astrosurface.  Due to impending clouds I rushed the captures and managed to clip off the top and bottom of the sun 🙁

Second image is an Ha capture of the main sunspot region. This was taken with the same scope but with Daystark Quark Chromosphere, UV/IR cut filter and Altair Hypercam 174 camera. The image is take from the best 40% of frames taken from a 30 second video (AS4). Processing done with IMPPG, Astrosurface and Gimp.

Sharpcap 4.1 was used for all the image capture.

Thanks for looking.


2024-07-21-0858_3-Solar white_combined sharp.jpeg

210724 Solar Ha sunspot group_FLIP.jpg

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1 minute ago, Steve Ward said:

The disc had me a little confused , then I realised it needs a E-W and N-S flip ... 😉

Yes, a case of more haste less speed🙄

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