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Herbig Haro Objects in IC 5070


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Everyone know about HH 555 in the Pelican Nebula.  I was surpised to learn of HH 563-HH 568, which can be seen in the image (a couple are quite faint).  The first image is the completed picture, the second image has been marked up to show the locations of the HH objects.

Another biscopal image.  SHO data collected with FAQ 106 and Ha luminance collected with TOA 130.  I am a bit disappointed this time.  When seeing is good, the TOA 130 significantly improves the resolution of FSQ images.  Seeing was forecasted to be 4/5, but I don't think it was.  In addition, the Moon was at 98% and thin clouds/haze moved in early - but I kept imaging.  So, the improvment in resolution was limited.  Perhaps another night of good seeing will change that.

TOA 130 and FSQ 106 with .6x reducer and ASI 1600: TOA 130 - 41 300 sec Ha; FSQ 45 300 sec Ha; 36 300 sec OIII; 33 300 sec SII (about 13 Hours)


HH objects labeled with arrows.  I did nit include the numbers becuase I could not write them legibly with the mouse.


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Excellent image, Rodd. Capturing such a crisp image of these "small" objects is quite a feat.

I saw the comments on AB, and I think you should be able to add names with the TypeCat and Annotation scripts in PixInsight. Or maybe Seti Astros new "what's in my Image" script. You can also add names manually with the AnnotateImage process (under  the "Painting" menu)

Edited by wimvb
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I took the liberty of downloading your AB image and annotate with TypeCat and manually. I limited the number of HH objects to the visible ones for the manual annotation.

TypeCat + AnnotateImage Script:


Manual annotation (Process > Painting > Annotate


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6 hours ago, wimvb said:

took the liberty of downloading your AB image and annotate with TypeCat and manually. I limited the number of HH objects to the visible ones for the manual annotation.

Wow, thanks Wim!  There are even more HH objects than I thought.  I am debating piling on more Ha to see if I can bring them out.  I wanted at least 5 hours of TOA Ha, but only got a bit over 3 (and some of those were clouded).

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7 hours ago, wimvb said:

I saw the comments on AB, and I think you should be able to add names with the TypeCat and Annotation scripts in PixInsight. Or maybe Seti Astros new "what's in my Image" script. You can also add names manually with the AnnotateImage process (under  the "Painting" menu)

I guess I have to learn a bit more.  I should have known PI has the tools do do it.

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TypeCat found 16 HH objects in your image, but a few were duplicates (identical RA and DEC), and several were invisible in your image. I’m not sure if more data will help. Perhaps they only show in a different wavelength (IR?)

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7 minutes ago, wimvb said:

TypeCat found 16 HH objects in your image, but a few were duplicates (identical RA and DEC), and several were invisible in your image. I’m not sure if more data will help. Perhaps they only show in a different wavelength (IR?)

Maybe bin SII and OIII could help accentuate them, or luminance.  I could try IR, but I don';t have a filter for my DS camera, only little ones for planentary/lunar

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33 minutes ago, wimvb said:

I’m not sure if more data will help.

I implemented a pass of very fine scale sharpening in efforts to eccentuate the little buggers. 


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