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ASIair plus and iPads.

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Hi all,

I've gotten fed up with my old Android tablet with its poor battery life and unreliable wi-fi. I'm looking at replacing it with an iPad 10 gen and my question is: should I get the 64gb version, or the 256gb ? The difference in price is about £150 which I could easily spend elsewhere.



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Only get the disk space if you're likely to fill it with apps/programs or media files. You don't need the space in order to use/interface with the asiair.

Do you have issues using a mobile phone, that's all I've ever used to use my airs.

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Hi Elp,

Thanks for the reply. I've had to use my iPhone for my ...air on too may occasions. It's a iPhone 12 with a small screen, but works flawlessly when I can find my glasses!

Looks like I've found £150 to spend on some more stuff, maybe a ADC?



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