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Calibration Frames Not Working

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Hello, I'm looking for some advice or enlightenment with regard to calibration frames.

I've been using some with my Asi 294mcPro since February which have worked OK, but having just stacked an image from two nights ago, it has bad Amp Glow. I have read that they need occasional replacement, but do they suddenly stop?

I'm in the process of reshooting a new set, so I'll soon find out, but I wonder why I suddenly have it when a few weeks ago it was OK.



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Your darks should sort out the amp glow easily.

I'm guessing your issue is something else, the 294mc is not a pleasant sensor to use, I speak from experience.

Have you got any jpg screenshots you can upload?

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Thanks for the reply Elp, I have retaken the darks but ASI Deep Stack does not like them, it's moved past the end of file, whatever that is, so here's the jpeg using the original calibration.



Ngc 6960 Veil.jpg

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I'd try other software like Deep Sky Stacker or Siril, both are free, the latter is better as it has post process routines you can apply to your images before finishing them off.

End of file in my experience has usually meant one of the files hasn't saved properly so will likely error when trying to open, but don't know why it hasn't happened previously.

You usually don't need to retake darks with a cooled camera for a while, for my 183 they're 3 years old and I still use them fine, and that camera amp glows hard.


Edited by Elp
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Thanks Elp

I've redone a set of calibration frames, which now work and it has stacked ok with no ampglow, so thanks for your input. I'll post the image in the imaging section.

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Another tip with the ASI294MC Pro is not to use BIAS calibration frames in the stack. Instead use Flat-Darks (darks frames for your Flats). I found with 294MC Pro the BIAS frames left behind traces of amp-glow, similar to your image above.

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