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Quick WL session through some cirrus 19.06.24


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Decided to grab a quick evening session before the Sun hides behind my shed. Unfortunately a lot of cirrus and contrails to image through. Seeing wasn't very good either with the limb really boiling.

The close up is a x2 barlowed view of AR3712 & AR3713 which have dominated the Sun over the past few days.

I don't know what's caused the "burlap" effect during processing, probably me rushing it but whether it's from AutoStakkert or Imppg I don't know. Probably oversharpened in the latter (I did not use LRD though).



17_58_09_Sun_lapl4 proc1.png

18_19_12_Sun 19.06.24 AR3712 AR3713.png

Edited by Hals
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