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A lot to see on the sun at the moment. The lower west area in particular.

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Posted (edited)

I was enjoying some solar visual observing with my Altair wedge today, such a lot to see just now all over the face of the sun, and the sky seems fairly still today.

There is a lot going on with the sun as we run up to the maximum of the cycle.



I also took this image with my other rig to show just how much there is to see.

Best 150 from 2000 frames. Baader Herschel wedge, continuum filter and processed back to false colour.

(I usually take 5000 frames but for some reason the USB transfer rate was low so aborted at 2000).

Still got a good result however.


Sol 2024-06-06 11_18_24 Col adjust.png

Edited by fifeskies
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