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Anybody fancy a go at synchronous observations of Exoclock target TOI-1288b?

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Just wondering if anybody is interested in conducting some synchronous observations of exoplanet TOI-1288b (https://www.exoclock.space/database/planets/TOI-1288b) . A transit is predicted for the night of 29-30 June, with the optimum observation window from 22:59-03:22 (UT). The target is relatively bright and high in the northern sky from UK latitudes, but the transit depth is only 3mmag. Ordinarily this requires a 16inch teslecope- but the project has been analysing some synchronous observations with multiple smaller telescopes and they've shown that they can succesfully combine these to detect transits that would not be detected with each instrument independently.

Clearly, it's not the best time of year in the UK, with bright skies all night long but this is a high priority target for the project, and there may be a fair chance of clear skies (after all- it's summer isn't it 😉 ). I wonder if we could get a handful of observations with 8-10-12 inch apertures we might just crack it...

Is anybody up for the challenge?

Edited by catburglar
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  • catburglar changed the title to Anybody fancy a go at synchronous observations of Exoclock target TOI-1288b?
  • 1 month later...

I would have been but my observatory is in La Palma and I was in the UK. I have a 0.4m (approximately 16") Dilworth there.

If you wish to repeat the exercise in August/September count me in.


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