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Opticron Adventurer T WP 10x50 - defective piece?

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I recently bought an Opticron Adventurer T WP 10x50.

I would like to ask the owners of this binocular if their piece behaves the same as mine:
I have the feeling that maybe the central 30 - 40% of the field of view is sharp. Brighter stars like Vega start to blur beyond that point (coma effect I guess).
At the edges, the stars are already so blurry that they almost look like some kind of DSO.
It seems as if the blurring is in the inner part: if I look into the left eyepiece, the blurring is manifested on the right. Conversely, if I look into the right eyepiece, the blur manifests itself on the left.

Is this normal behavior or do I have a defective piece?
I still own an Opticron Oregon WA 10x50 and have not observed anything like this there. I have also not seen anything similar in the Opticron Oregon 4 PC Oasis 8x42 and 10x42 monoculars.

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Edited by katro
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  • katro changed the title to Opticron Adventurer T WP 10x50 - defective piece?

From your description it suggests that something is wrong with them. The images from them should be very similar to your other other pair of 10x50's from the same manufacturer (Opticron). If they are as bad as you say then I would return them.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Amazon has accepted my return and refund request.
Thank you for your help.

I may try to buy another piece in the future to see how it performs.

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