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Man on the Moon ... 40th Aniversary


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Bought a copy of Sky at Night magazine's 'Man on the Moon' collectors edition today from W H Smiths.

What a super publication! :)

If like me, you watched and followed the Apollo 11 Moon landing this publication will bring back memories! Superb photos that I have never seen before. This is a must for the younger generation to see for yourself how the Apollo 11 mission was completed.


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Thanks for the heads up. Ive just finished reading "the man who ran the moon" about Jim Webb, the man in charge of NASA at the time (almost) up to the lunar landings. If you still think the Aplollo missions demonstrated the finest a united America could achieve, this book will open your eyes...it certainly opened mine. A great read!

And I still think there's nothing to beat a Saturn V rocket motor!


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When I went into WH Smiths in Bolton to buy this publication I stood looking along the shelves and realised that I was stood in the same place nearly 40 years ago when I was 15 years old looking for another publication. This was a 'Special Edition' pack which contained flight plans and information of the mission which was released shortly before the launch of Apollo 11 so that you could follow the mission.

It cost 5 Shillings (25p) and I didn't have enough money to buy it!!

I went back a few days later with my 5 bob and they had all gone!! :)


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