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Perfect NB to RGB Stars Script in PixInsight

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Hey everyone!

I made my first 2 scripts in PixInsight and am pretty excited to share the NB to RGB Stars Combination Script.  I am not a coder and knew this would be a bit of a steep curve, but finally sat down and created a script to take your NB stars only images and combine them into a beautiful RGB stars image. The script is really intuitive. You add your linear Ha stars image, OIII stars image, and optionally SII stars image. There is also an option to give the image a Star Stretch exactly like my first Star Stretch script.

Never waste those precious hours under the night sky getting RGB stars data and spend every second getting that NB data!!
Link to videos about the scripts: https://youtu.be/EZKAF7ItJYA  https://youtu.be/8_Jswk_wE0A
Link to my site to get the scripts manually: https://www.setiastro.com/pjsr-scripts
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Well started the process to get digitally signed.  Submitted my keys to PixInsight and waiting on them now.  This does seem like a double edged sword.  It will definitely hinder us non-coders with even more stuff to learn limiting creativity in the community to a handful that are willing to jump through all the hoops.  At the same time it does heighten the security of the PixInsight platform.  I'm glad I was able to get it figured out so far!!

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Yes....understand completely. I have not actually tried this yet but sure looks nice (& simple to use). I am looking forward to giving it a go when next I have data to process. I think you are OK in PixInsight now....... fingers crossed.

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On 23/04/2024 at 21:36, Seti Astro said:

Hey everyone!

I made my first 2 scripts in PixInsight and am pretty excited to share the NB to RGB Stars Combination Script.  I am not a coder and knew this would be a bit of a steep curve, but finally sat down and created a script to take your NB stars only images and combine them into a beautiful RGB stars image. The script is really intuitive. You add your linear Ha stars image, OIII stars image, and optionally SII stars image. There is also an option to give the image a Star Stretch exactly like my first Star Stretch script.

Never waste those precious hours under the night sky getting RGB stars data and spend every second getting that NB data!!
Link to videos about the scripts: https://youtu.be/EZKAF7ItJYA  https://youtu.be/8_Jswk_wE0A
Link to my site to get the scripts manually: https://www.setiastro.com/pjsr-scripts
Leave any comments or suggestions!

Beyond my abilities so far, but I've watched your YouTube channel quite a lot over last couple of months and it's been a great help.

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Thanks for watching!  Hope the script helps out too!  TBH I didn't know how the community would even react to any of my videos.  I was expecting a lot of people just saying "you're doing it all wrong!" hahaha!  Glad it is helping!!


I think I got my digital signatures for my repository all squared away with this latest CPD update from PixInsight as well!  This should take care of not having to say "yes install anyways" and should ensure the script will be available in the future with the next core updates to PixInsight.

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