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A new objective cell, or advice, or something

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I just did something very silly.  I noticed a tiny amount of fungus at the edge of my TS Optics f/7 ED doublet today, at the end of a solar observation session.  Well I decided I would try fixing that will my ultrasonic cleaner.  I think the cleaner did an ok job, but I made the fatal mistake of rinsing my warm lens with cold distilled water, and the picture speaks for itself...


So; I'm not soliciting any comments on what a stupid, idiotic thing I've done; I realise it.  I still have a nice telescope assembly, and a lens cell.  I'd very much appreciate ideas on how I can rescue this or turn it into something useful. I've only ever used it for solar work, with monochromatic Ha, so perhaps I can replace it with an achromatic lens cell.  Who knows.. hopefully any prospective commentators have ideas on how to turn this mini disaster around! :)

Thank you in advance :)


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First of all, my condolences! Rest assured you aren't the only one who did something stupid today... I will be making an "oops" post myself tomorrow.

It's possible you could buy a replacement optic from TS themselves, as they have a selection of telescope-building supplies including lenses:


Maybe there's even a triplet that fits your telescope OTA? Who knows.

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