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Hi I have managed to get myself a new moonlite CHL for my edge hd 8 I’m wishing to you it with my .7 reducer I have a 533mx pro camera I need some help with back focus once I screw the .7 reducer into the moonlite. Could I have done help please 

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Hello, I believe you've asked this question a few times and you can keep it within one thread for simplification for people to reply to.

A few photos may help if you can upload a jpeg file or two. I believe you can remove the visual back from the telescope, screw on the reducer in its place and then the focuser onto the reducer. Without images it's difficult to assess, you can also measure each threaded piece with a ruler for its diameter to gauge what size threads each piece is. Reducers normally fit after the focuser, but a quick search on your focuser suggests people might be putting it before.

Regarding backfocus from the back of the focuser it may be around the 105mm mark, it is for my C6, the edge maybe different. SCT backfocus is quite forgiving so you can have a few mm plus or minus. You'll need sets of m42 extension rings to get that 105mm, and then maybe an m42 to m48/SCT thread adaptor ring to connect it to the focuser, if the focuser has a thread. If it's a 1.25 inch back for visual on the focuser back end you can get a t nose adaptor and use that with your extension rings though it's not ideal. I find with an SCT its easy just to connect the camera to the reducer directly after the 105mm extension rings, SCT focus travel is large so you don't really need a rack and pinion focuser I find.

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Sorry about asking a few times but I’m not sure where to put the thread that’s why i did it again normally there’s a response within a few days but because there was no reply I thought I put it in wrong chat. Again I’m sorry if I have upset anyone. Am I in the correct chat to discuss the moonlite CHL 

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It's okay, you've posted in the right area, I'm surprised no one had replied.

Do you have more information at hand? Have you seen if the focuser has any threaded sections on it?

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Thanks for that

i dont use a filter wheel I have a 533mc pro 1 shot colour camera. back focus is 105mm from the reducer . But being the reducer screws into the moonlite I’m not sure how that works. 



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Looking at that CN post it looks like you need some adaptors for the focuser, one in the front to connect to the reducer and one at the back to put you camera extension rings onto before your camera.

So something like this: scope > reducer > adaptor > focuser > adaptor > spacer rings > camera.

Without having the focuser in hand it's a bit difficult to provide any further information. Does anything screw off it front or back or have threads on them that you can measure?

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IMG_7665.thumb.jpeg.3acce30101e4e5e734b6405567188e58.jpegHi so this is what I have managed to do. The way I did this to get the 105mm back focus was screw the reducer into moonlite then draw back the focuser out by 1/4” measure inside the draw tube put in the camera and it’s given me the 105mm to the camera sensor. What’s your opinion on this 

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Looks kind of right. Does the reducer not fit in front of the focuser? Is there a female thread on that side?

You may have to increase the BF, based on the CN post above they were aiming for 146mm, but I'd try yours at 105mm, the stars will remain bloated circles near focus if the BF needs to be increased. You don't need to wait until night to test it, try focusing on a far off tree/roof/pylon during the day, keep the camera exposures very very short as they'll be bright white otherwise when testing during the day.

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Posted (edited)

I did about 1 hour of visual just to see how things were setup I 1st focused then locked the mirror and used focuser on a few stars and Jupiter and changing a few EP and it went well regarding focus. According to the skies tomorrow I have about 3 hours so I will actually setup AP With reducer and see how that goes I will up asap on results fingers crossed 🤞 

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Just a quick update I don’t want you to think I have forgotten but I have had no clear skies to try out the moonlite once clear skies I will definitely update 

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