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Eyes (NGC4435, NGC4438), Bees (M44) and Tadpoles (IC410)


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There's been a couple of unexpected but welcome moonless clear skies recently so I got the chance to complete a few new images.

This first one is ~4h Luminance from my 150P-DS+ASI533MM with ~1h colour from my Epsilon 130 that's working on another project.  A late night start for this and I'm sure we'll start to see more over the coming months.  NGC4435-NGC4438, M86 and M84 take centre stage for part of Markarian's Chain.


This is worth some annotation as there are galaxies everywhere - even if just faint smudges. 


During a couple of breaks between objects recently, I shot ~90 minutes with the Epsilon 130+2600MC on M44, the Beehive cluster.


Lastly, I had been looking forward to imaging IC410 at 675mm for months but despite 6 sessions and almost 21 hours (almost evenly split across Ha, OIII and SII) I just can't get anything that particularly appeals to me.  While some of the Ha & SII data was compromised by the moon I thought I'd compensated by shooting enough extra.

Shot with the 150P-DS and ASI 533MM.

Here's one version (of the many sitting on my hard drive!)


All pre-processed in APP and processed in PixInsight.  Thanks for looking!

Edited by geeklee
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  • geeklee changed the title to Eyes (NGC4435, NGC4438), Bees (M44) and Tadpoles (IC410)

Nice set of images Lee 👍

I really like the colour in the image, and detail in the cores of the galaxies in Markarians Chain, especially the eyes.

Ive not imaged the tadpoles yet, but if you’re not happy with that image then I’ll have it haha! What are you not satisfied with? 

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10 hours ago, WolfieGlos said:

Nice set of images Lee 👍

Thanks Chris 😊

10 hours ago, WolfieGlos said:

Ive not imaged the tadpoles yet, but if you’re not happy with that image then I’ll have it haha! What are you not satisfied with? 

😆 I recently imaged Melotte 15 at the same focal length with the 150P-DS and it was everything I'd hoped it would be.  I thought I'd get the same result with a similar bright object I was keen to see at this slightly longer FL.  There's just something about the framing & FOV (feels like it needs to be slightly wider or much tighter), the lack of detail... 

If the clouds are making you a bit data starved, you're very welcome to the masters to have a look and process (drop me a PM).

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