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North American and Pelican 4 Panel Mosaic (Revisit)

Seti Astro

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Data taken last August, but was never satisfied on the processing.  6 months later and the weather is nothing but cloudy nights so revisited this with more that I have learned in the last 6 months of processing.

Be sure to check out the full image as it is a 200 megapixel image!

In the larger mosaic you can see these aren't two different structure but just part of a larger giant bubble of activity including lot' of faint emissions in the whole image.  The bok globules and thin streamers coming off the Cygnus wall and the columns and Herbig-Haro objects in the Pelican are just amazing.  There is just a ton of dark "smoke" creating thin wisps forming the dark lane structure with hydrogen emissions peaking through.  Just so much going on in this region.  There are even white dwarfs sprinkled throughout the 116,000 stars in the image!!  No wonder it is so heavily imaged by everyone!

Video I made on this image: https://youtu.be/VJvMOGnMdwU

Link to Astrobin:  https://astrob.in/ijlycz/F/

Comments really appreciated!


Some close in crops:




Cygnus Wall



Cobwebs of dust:



Smoke lanes:




A very dim cloud in the lower right (I adjusted some curves in the crop to bring it out more)



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