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ZWO ASI 2600MC DUO USB Connection issues

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Hi all,
It appears I have an unusual connection issue with ZWO ASI2600 DUO and wanted to check if I am doing something wrong before I go for RMA to distributor. Important to note that all cables, power supplies and both ASIAIR Plus work flawlessly with my other cameras, namely ZWO ASI6200MC PRO, ZWO ASI585 and ZWO120MM-S. Did not try to connect to laptop as I am mobile imager and do not use laptop for acquisition. 

The main camera although recognised does not connect to the ZWO ASIAIR Plus, while the guide camera connects fine and works every time. As I am sure you are aware ASI2600MC DUO uses same data cable for both cameras. The main camera rarely connects indoors at room temperature, but never outdoors at cold temperature.




Guide camera works and guides just fine. Misshaped stars on DUO are normal due to guide sensor position and light circle of WO REDCAT 51. 


I have tried using flat and red round ZWO OEM as well as after market USB 3.0 data cables,


Nothing else was connected to AA+


Different power supplies such as two different direct AC grid to 12V transformers (12V, 6.5A), EcoFlow Delta 2 (12V, 3A and 10A) outputs, and two different ASIAIRs Plus 32 GB and 256 GB model (always directly connected to power supply not through ASIAIR Plus), but the problem persists. 


Few screenshots to demonstrate the issue in detail below:

Voltage provided is always separate for AA+ and 2600MC Duo ranging from 12.77V to 13.28V with 6.5A from AC adapter to 3A - 10A from ECOFLOW Delta 2. 







Connection issue persists with latest stabile version:


As well as with latest beta.


To repeat all of the above works flawlessly with my other ZWO cameras. Confusing part is that sometimes but quite rarely it DOES connect.


WhatsApp Image 2024-02-07 at 21.47.21_e97a8c30.jpg

Have I missed something? Should I try something else before returning to dealer? My fear is that distributor will test indoors at room temp and conclude that the product is fine refusing RMA.

Thank you for your input.

Edited by Dark Raven
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Looks like you did all the right things to test it.  I had a similar issue with mine, in my case both the camera and guider connected fine but the guider wouldn't take pics in preview or autorun mode.  In my case it turned out to be my old USB3 cable.  It looks like you've already tried the cables that came with yours though.


When I contacted zwo for advice through their forum initially one of the things they had me test was using windows and the asiair studio app.  So they may require the same of your vendor before approving a replacement or fix.  I would do that if at all possible before returning it.


As far as other suggestions, the only thing I can think of is yours might have the board with the overly sensitive voltage protection circuit.  In which case I would try to get a variable output power supply to feed the duo and fiddle with the voltage between 12v and 13v to see if there is a sweet spot where it works consistently.  There was a thread somewhere where a fellow got a replacement motherboard for a 2600 which had that circuit and they spent quite a bit of time investigating the issue.  But in his case the camera would not power at all when that circuit kicked in.


Another thought that crossed my mind is maybe the cooler on the camera is kicking in and drawing power when it shouldn't, causing a voltage drop.  If the main camera isn't connected yet, the cooler should not be on.  Do you have a way to monitor power draw?  With the main camera disconnected you should be drawing 10w or less.  With the cooler full on my old asi2600mc would draw around 26w or so.

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16 hours ago, Starflyer said:

only way you can rule out the asiair as being at fault is to try it on a laptop.

Well, was not planning on it but did it anyway...

With OEM cable:


After market cable:

Result is that the guide cam connects fine and takes exposures without issues. ASI app crashes when ASI2600MC DUO is activated in app. Video below:



15 hours ago, dciobota said:

When I contacted zwo for advice through their forum initially one of the things they had me test was using windows and the asiair studio app.  So they may require the same of your vendor before approving a replacement or fix.  I would do that if at all possible before returning it.

With cold camera from outside, unfortunately the result is the same as seen above. After it worms up for some five to ten minutes it connects, sometimes.


15 hours ago, dciobota said:

In which case I would try to get a variable output power supply to feed the duo and fiddle with the voltage between 12v and 13v to see if there is a sweet spot where it works consistently.

Have it, went down to 12.14V and the result is the same. The voltages tested are within the spec and should all work.




15 hours ago, dciobota said:

Do you have a way to monitor power draw?  With the main camera disconnected you should be drawing 10w or less.  With the cooler full on my old asi2600mc would draw around 26w or so.

Ranges between 5W and 7W.


And just for the kicks tested both ASIAIRs Plus again...
AA+ v3.0:

AA+ v3.3:

Long story short, contacted the distributor and requested RMA. They accepted based on evidence provided, sent return label and wished me good luck and lots of patience given it is New Year at ZWO.


Thank you for your inputs. Will keep you posted as the situation develops (in few moths probably)...

Edited by Dark Raven
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