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NGC1499 in narrowband with RGB stars


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It feels like forever since I shared any images here, but I was able to get a couple of sessions last week to capture some new data.

This image is from 2 nights (14th and 17th January) and all details are given below.  I've tried to use selective colour adjustments from a starting SHO combination that was very green (unsurprisingly) but I'm not sure if I've gone too far with it - I welcome any constructive criticism.  Narrowband data had stars removed using Starnet++ v2 for Windows, and the stars in the image are from the RGB data. H-alpha used as luminance after adjusting colours.

Image Details:
Imaging Camera: QHY294M Pro
Scope: Evostar 72ED
Flattener: OVL non-reducing flattener
Mount: HEQ5 Pro
Guiding: ASI178MC through 9x50 finderscope using PHD2
Filters: Antila EDGE 4.5nm SHO, Antlia V-Series RGB, using QHY 7 position filter wheel
Subs: 30 x 300" Ha, 21 x 300" OIII, 20 x 300" SII, 12 x 30" each of RGB
Capture software: APT
Stacking software: APP
Processing software: Adobe Photoshop and Starnet++ v2


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