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Opening up a QHYCFW3


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I’ve just taken delivery of a new QHY filter wheel. I’ve fallen at the first hurdle though! I don’t seem able to get the back off to access the carousel.

I’ve removed the 7 screws from the rear of the case, but the cover will not open up. Short of prizing open the case which I obviously don’t want to do in case of inflicting damage I’ve tried everything.

Should the case open easily? 



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Is your camera attached to the filterwheel yet or not? I'm assuming you mean the 7 screws around the perimeter, right? If so, there may be a bit of "stick-tion" between the two halves. A gentle tap on the side may help loosen them. The flat side with the screw heads exposed is the panel which comes off, not the side with the blue motor. 

Mine certainly didn't require any brute force to open up. Once you're inside, you only need to loosen the three screws around the centre brass pin to release the carousel. 



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Hi Richard,

I’ll give that a try! I’ve tried jiggling it, twisting it and all sorts of levering actions between the case sides (avoiding the carousel) without luck.

It was just delivered yesterday and I’ve only just removed it from the box, so nothing attached yet. I was expecting the cover just to fall off without the screws in place🥴. I was quite surprised at how tightly the screws were tightened, so maybe that has generated the stick-toon you mentioned.


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Awesome, glad you got it open! 

What size filters are you using, 36mm unmounted or 2" mounted? 

If you're using unmounted, are you planning on using the provided felt pads or do you have 3D printed filter masks? Might be worth checking out my post below regarding use of masks (note: I ended up replacing those masks with Buckeyestargazer ones, much better fit and coverage!). 


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I’ve not got my filters yet, but they will be the 36mm un-mounted.

This week has been expensive, on top of a new mount a couple of months back I’ve just bought a QHY268m camera, filter wheel and the OAG..couldn’t quite stretch to the filers as well unfortunately. To be honest though I think I’ll just bite the bullet and stick them on the credit card next month🧐. I was aiming to go for the Astronomik filters, I’ve had a 1.25” LRGB set from Astronomik for quite a few years and found them pretty good.

Despite having only just got the filter wheel it appears to have come with the original pads and screws for the filters although QHY have apparently started supplying their own masks as of Sept 23, clearly I’ve got slightly older stock. QHY are selling their own masks at 10 dollars, but I can’t see any U.K. suppliers selling them just yet, but I’ve  got some other Buckeyestargazer components and found them pretty well printed, so I’ll probably go with those.

Out of curiosity, which filters are you using?






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40 minutes ago, SteveA said:

I’ve not got my filters yet, but they will be the 36mm un-mounted.

This week has been expensive, on top of a new mount a couple of months back I’ve just bought a QHY268m camera, filter wheel and the OAG..couldn’t quite stretch to the filers as well unfortunately. To be honest though I think I’ll just bite the bullet and stick them on the credit card next month🧐. I was aiming to go for the Astronomik filters, I’ve had a 1.25” LRGB set from Astronomik for quite a few years and found them pretty good.

Despite having only just got the filter wheel it appears to have come with the original pads and screws for the filters although QHY have apparently started supplying their own masks as of Sept 23, clearly I’ve got slightly older stock. QHY are selling their own masks at 10 dollars, but I can’t see any U.K. suppliers selling them just yet, but I’ve  got some other Buckeyestargazer components and found them pretty well printed, so I’ll probably go with those.

Out of curiosity, which filters are you using?


First Light Optics have the Buckeyestargazer masks in stock. If you choose the radio button for either "QHY 3mm" or "QHY 2mm" (depending on the filter you choose) you'll find they have one set left of each size in stock :)

These are the masks shown in my picture above. They are nice and chunky, cover the full perimeter of the lens with no gaps, and fit in quite well. There was a little bit of plastic flash from the printing process, which can be easily trimmed with a modeling knife or scalpel. 

I'm using the Antlia LRGB and 4.5nm edge SHO filters which are all 2mm thick. I would have gone for the 3nm filters, but seeing as I was going to buy the QHY268M, QHYCFW3 and filters at the same time, I was already spending a lot of money. The money I saved on buying the 4.5nm over the 3nm meant I effectively got the LRGB set for free so I tried to look at the positives :)

If you want to have some idea how the raw subs looks with the 4.5nm filters, have a look at the subs I provided in the thread below. It might not be a bad idea to read through this thread for some tips on this camera and filterwheel. 


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Thanks for this....

I'm feeling like a bit of a newbie at present, I've changed such a lot of stuff over the last few months and I see a steep learning curve coming.

I've changed from an EQ6 mount to iOptron, an Atik 314 to QHY268M (OAG and f/w) and also ditched TP in favour of NINA. Everything I contemplate involves a new process.

I have to admit to having not looked much beyond a set of LRGB filters for the new QYH filter wheel! My previous imaging was constrained by a 5 hole f/w and my entire nb imaging experience  was with an Ha filter. I might just take a little while on the filter selection now though. Just opting for Astronomik filters on the basis that I've used them before seems less than an objective decision.

CMOS imaging seems a little more involved than using a CCD but I'm hoping for good results.


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On 25/11/2023 at 16:35, SteveA said:

Thanks for this....

I'm feeling like a bit of a newbie at present, I've changed such a lot of stuff over the last few months and I see a steep learning curve coming.

I've changed from an EQ6 mount to iOptron, an Atik 314 to QHY268M (OAG and f/w) and also ditched TP in favour of NINA. Everything I contemplate involves a new process.

I have to admit to having not looked much beyond a set of LRGB filters for the new QYH filter wheel! My previous imaging was constrained by a 5 hole f/w and my entire nb imaging experience  was with an Ha filter. I might just take a little while on the filter selection now though. Just opting for Astronomik filters on the basis that I've used them before seems less than an objective decision.

CMOS imaging seems a little more involved than using a CCD but I'm hoping for good results.


No problem! There's lots of good reading material on here with the camera (including the mega thread listed above) and I'd like to think the main questions have been answered in there (eg what gain and offset to use, what cooling temperature to use, installing drivers).

I don't know what TP is but I have been using NINA for a couple of years now. It's fantastic software with a loads of neat features, plus you can get pretty quick responses from the devs and community using the Discord app/website. When setting up an image sequence, you can either do a really basic sequence (take x number of exposures at y seconds with filter z) or you can set up a more complicated sequence based on certain criteria (eg only image when object is above horizon, switch to a different target when current target approaches the meridian). 

Definitely checkout "Patriot Astro" on YouTube. He has some very good walk through videos on NINA and explains everything in such a clear and concise manner. 

Nothing wrong with starting out with LRGB for now, maybe Santa will bring you some SHO filters next month or in the new year ;)

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