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Ideas please

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Hi folks I am thinking of getting either the skywatcher star adventurer gti or the eq3 pro but not sure which it’s not honing to move from my house so portability is not an issue price wish both are close the gti is a tad more 

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I have never used either of the mounts so I can only offer my thoughts. Bit like comparing a new laptop, I tend to look for what is not included. Both need a power pack or supply, unless you intend using the batteries for the star adventurer. The star adventurer uses your phone/laptop with the synscan pro app whereas the eq3 includes a synscan handset. You can add the handset to the star adventurer at a later date but for a few more pennies. 

I can't find the mount weight of either,  hopefully someone else will chip in there, but the shipping weight of the eq3 is significantly more than the star adventurer and as you will need to move it in and out of your home, unless that is not a worry it's something to think on. 

Which would I choose? I think I would go for the star adventurer with the tripid and the handset purely for the portability of the device. I've added the handset because I use stellarium a lot from the phone when outside, then use the handset to drive to my target, just adds a bit of flexibility.

All the best. 


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