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A slice of milkyway with a wizard in the middle (aka Cepheus area of Milky Way)


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Well.. this didn't really turn out as well as I'd hoped to be honest. Not helped by the fact my camera 1/2 fell off the mount during the meridian flip as I forgot to tightening it!! Amazing it didn't drop. Nor when I touched it in the morning, found out it was loose and it did fall - luckily my cat like reflexes caught it. they don't call me cat boy for nothing! or at all in fact..anyway - lucky escape, but the images after the meridian flip were skewed (but  still ok) - leading to a need for some major cropping.

I rotated it a bit, as it feels better on the eye to me that way.

Top left, is half of IC1396, going over through the wizard, lobster claw, etc and over in the bottom right - NGC7822 (I think).

Starless included to have a hope of identifying nebulas.

It was shot with my canon 6d at iso 3200 with my Canon 70-200 f2.8 L USM IS at 70mm, shut down to F4.

120 sec subs. 9 hours of them.

Light pollution a bit of an issue - but also I didn't have a lens shield - I think sticking a cone around it next time in addition to the dew shield would have helped a lot.

It was nice to see noise dropping off to near zero with so many hours of integration though, and some areas of dark bits still showing nicely.



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