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PIPP Headache

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Good eve.

I'm trying to convert mp4 video footage from my Canon 6d to AVI in order to run it through Autostakkert. Everytime PIPP finishes converting an mp4 file of around 1gb, the end result is about 17mb of a single frame that is looped/animated.
What am I doing wrong here?

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Autostakkert will read and process mp4 files if you have the open source program ffmpeg.exe in the same folder as Autostakkert. Here's the main ffmpeg page and here's a link to download the latest builds from github.

Download the ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl.zip file listed underr assets.

Unzip the file and you will see it contains a bin directory.

Copy the file ffmpeg.exe from the bin directory to your Autostakkert directory.

PIPP uses some dll files extracted from ffmpeg but it's possible the codec used by the 6D may not be covered by those dll files. Having the full ffmpeg.exe file available to Autostakkert should work with your 6D files. mp4 is not a specific format but a container, for various coding and decoding formats. AVI is also a container format and can contain an mp4 file itself, among others. Uncompressed AVI is just one form of AVI.



Edited by symmetal
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I think you've downloaded the wrong file. xz extensions are for linux. This is the file you want from the download link I posted above


Other files may also contain the source code for compiling your own versions so will contain thousands of files. 😉

The highlighted one contains two folders, bin and doc.

The bin folder contains 3 files ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe and ffprobe.exe

The doc folder has 34 files, mainly html documation files for opening in a web browser.

When you've copied ffmpeg.exe to your Autostakkert folder and you click 'Open' and select your mp4 file, a command window will open which is ffmpeg running and creating your avi file. It should close when it's done. ffmpeg is a command line program with no windows interface, which makes it easier to implement on various operating systems. Autostakkert takes care of entering the correct command line options and running the program so you don't need to worry about this.


Edited by symmetal
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