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Celestron 127slt + iPhone issues

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Hi everyone!


I am desperate for some help please! 
I bought a Celestron 127SLT this year and so far it’s been amazing but I’m having some issues that I hope someone can help me solve. 

When I observe the moon with the scope, looking down the eyepiece, I can see the entire moon. However when I attach my phone to the phone Mount I get images like the ones I have attached and I do not understand why the phone cannot see what I see! I’ve been searching online and I just can’t find an answer! 

thanks in advance! 




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Hi, and welcome.

I don't have an iphone so I am not certain, but my two thoughts are:

1. The sensor on the phone is too small to cover the entire moon

2. The phone sensor is not perfectly centred over the eyepiece

Have you tried taking photo's during the day to see if you can get better results?

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I assume that the viewing angle captured by the smartphone does not match what you see through the eyepiece.  Have you tried a lower powered eyepiece, e.g 32mm instead of 25mm?

For serious results you need to buy a dedicated planetary imaging astro camera, but unless you get one with a big sensor that won't cover the whole moon either.  If you have a DSLR, try attaching that instead, without eyepiece or camera lens.

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