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M8 & M20 SHO


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3 minutes ago, windjammer said:

>> don't have details to hand... could probably dig them out if anyone's interested.

Yes - a humungous FoV.  What did you do it with?

I used my FSQ-106ED with reducer QE 0.73x  combined with Moravian G3 16200EC mono CCD & Chroma 3nm SHO filters... gives me 238x192 arc min. at 3.14 pixels per arc sec. sensor is 27.14mm x 21.74mm with 6um x 6um pixels. 

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Very nice, great work! Don’t often see this one in SHO, but the blue really highlights the details in the core of the Lagoon. Also I like all of the dust in the surrounding region, something that is completely lost on my RGB rendition thanks my cursed streetlight. 

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