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Player one OAG experience?


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Anybody using the Player one OAG Mini? I'd like to use it on a larger SCT+reducer system (c11/14+starizona 0.63x) and to add more to the headache, with a non-mini guidecam (Altair 174m)
Before anybody asking: no, I do not want to trade the non-mini camera, I definitely like that it's USB3.


Is the helical focuser on the OAG easy to remove? A non mini-type guidecam would need a custom sized spacer instead of the stock, long OAG.

Is the M48 opening sufficient for full frame cameras?

Another question: once you got close to the prism, could a reducer lens fitted in front of the guidecam boost the guiding field? Along these lines.

Edited by GTom
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just yesterday I took delivery of the Max version.  Looking at the drawing of the Mini on the Player One website the helical focuser looks the same.

The top of the OAG, including the 1.25" port, is held on by a pair of socket grub screws.  Loosening those allows some upward movement of the helical focuser etc.  The prism stalk also moves up and down of course, but that movement is limited in both directions by grub screws.  

In terms of suitability for full frame cameras I went for the Max version because that allows use of a larger M68 (an optional extra) opening on the OTA side to avoid any shadowing of the imaging chip, even if I went to 36x24mm.  My system has an image circle of 60mm that I can take advantage of for that and also to give more up-down options with the rectangular mirror.  I intend to use M48 on the camera side which with the prism out of the way should not be big enough even for full frame.




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Great many thanks for the photos! If you use an 174mm or similar sized guider, can you please share a flat? Had an interesting discussion on OAG vignetting @cloudynights, I wonder what comes up in real life :).


Asked and got a quick response from the Support: the bottom of the helical IS indeed a T2 adapter that can be set via thumbscrews, means that non-mini guidecams have a chance. Genius design 😊!

Edited by GTom
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You are very welcome and thanks for the information about the bottom of the helical focuser.  I use a Starlight Xpress Ultrastar camera as my guider so not similar to yours I'm afraid.   

I will have a look at cloudy nights but could you send the link?

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Your camera is a perfect match to the helical focuser, no need to do anything :). 

I am also considering the biggest prism on the market, available in the TSFLIP "flip mirror" (not a mirror, prism), but afraid that would eat too much backfocus. So far the player one seems to be the best available.

The link: https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/881231-any-other-wide-format-large-prism-oag-s-around/

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