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Milky Way Over Anglesey

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Been waiting for some time to capture the galactic centre rising above the horizon and got a rare opportunity last Thursday. There was heavy rain a few hours before I went out and this resulted in mist and heavy dew on the landscape. This gave me some issues with lens condensation (no heater strap) but the mist was quite nice on the landscape. The shot was taken from Rhoscolyn Coast Guard station as it is a decent site for dark skies towards the Llyn Peninsula where the core was going to rise. Unfortunately I had the RAF base at Valley glowing with all its lights on to deal with!! However I liked the green air glow that this light pollution produced.

Both sky and foreground were shot at ISO640 with aperture stepped down to f4 for sky and f6 for foreground. Sky exposures were limited to 120secs on a Startracker with the foreground taking 150secs (a couple of 30 and 60 second shots were also taken to reduce the light pollution). I used a Canon 6D (astromodded) and Rokinon 24mm f1.8lens.

The image was processed using Lightroom, PTGui and Photoshop CS.



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