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Which Telescope?

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I recently purchased a Modified Canon 700d and was about to purchase a Skywatcher P150 i Wi-Fi telescope to use with it but on reading several reviews I'm unsure whether this telescope is the right choice due to focusing issue's etc,

Is there a better Wi-Fi telescope in the £400 to £600 range or would my initial choice be suitable

Thanks for any help

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Stop!  Astrophotography is terribly complicated, frequently counter intuitive and always expensive. WiFi is completely irrelevant to the problem. I know this is hard to accept but it would be better to accept it now than accept it after wasting a lot of money on a setup that will never work.  Let's begin at the beginning:

- You have a camera which can record light.

- You need optics to focus that light onto the camera chip.

- Astronomical targets are faint and need long exposures. But...

- The Earth rotates relative to the sky so you need a mount which can unwind that rotation by rotating the other way. But...

- That unwinding must be done equatorially as opposed to just right-left/up-down.

- And that unwinding must be done with a mechanical precision which is beyond conventional engineering...

- And the longer the focal length, the more insanely precise that unwinding needs to be.

Don't spend a single penny before getting to the bottom of all this.



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What Olly said. All stop and all back full.  You need to take a bit and think this out.  Find a astro club and look at some set ups and as a lot of questions.  Then you will start seeing what you need to do. 

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