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Help with oacapture

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Hello all,

I just signed up a few minutes ago. I'm very new in the field of stargazing and even newer with imaging. I bought a Neximage 10 and I'm using oacapture to use the camera with my Mac. I'm looking for help with oacapture and how to get a planetary body to show fully in the field of view. For instance, I took a picture of the sun using my cell phone, and the entire sun is seen in the picture. However, when I use the Neximage 10 camera with oacapture, I can only see a small portion of the sun. (pics are attached) I've tried playing with everything I can think of in the software, such as changing the resolution (the camera is 1280X960), but I've tried all the available resolutions and zoom factors. 

I'd appreciate any and all help with this problem!



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Just guessing, as you were economical with the details.

Was the cellphone image taken by holding it close to an eyepiece ?

That captured the large field of view presented by the eyepiece.

Then you removed the eyepiece and inserted the Neximage 10 ?

The sensor of this is only 6.4mm x 4.6mm, so it only captured a small portion of the available field of view.

A larger sensor such as a DSLR has would capture more of the sun.

Not sure what you mean by Zoom Factors.



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Hi Michael, thanks for the response! Yes, the cellphone image was taken by holding it close to the eyepiece. And yes, I took the eyepiece out and put the Neximage 10 in. By zoom factor, I mean the zoom section in the boxed in area in the attached screen shot. So, because the Neximage is 6.4mm x 4.6mm (and only showing a small portion of the field of view), is it not good for taking pics of the sun and the moon? Should it be reserved for planets such as Jupiter and Saturn?

Thanks again for responding! 


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"By zoom factor, I mean the zoom section in the boxed in area "

I would guess that's just a screen magnifier   :-<

"Should it be reserved for planets such as Jupiter and Saturn?"

Many people take closeups of sunspot groups, like your image,  instead of the whole sun.




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