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A Mix of Lunar and Deep Sky


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I spent half an hour gazing at just two features on the moon. I had the Mewlon out with Maxbright binoviewers, 1.25 GPC and Tak Abbe 25mm eyepieces. Petavius and it's Rima stood out. Petavius C was very clear and Petavius A was always visible and very clear in moments of steady seeing. I could also see the rima heading northish from the central mountains.The terracing on the crater rim was complex and there was an almost 3D view in the binoviewers. 

Also very evident was a dark scar just to the right of Mare Crisium (refractor view). It had a distinct break in it towards it's North end. This was a very striking feature. I thought this was the Cauchy Fault but it took me a while to figure it out. I'd seen this feature before but it had always been very indistinct and I was under the mistaken belief that it was a very hard object to see. Just goes to show how important the angle of the sun is when observing certain features! 

The Cauchy Rill was also visible,  but much more indistinct. I've attached a very rough sketch I used to confirm my observation against an atlas after I'd finished. Definitely not one for the sketching competition 🙂

I then replaced the binoviewers with a 2" diagonal and a Masuyama 32mm eyepiece. I love this eyepiece. I find it easy and relaxing to use and very clear sharp images. I have not been particularly aware of the poor off axis performance that people complain about. 

I wanted to try the Mewlon on the Leo Triplet. I'd 'sensed' a couple of them before in a 4" and was interested to see what the extra aperture of the Mewlon could do. It was not the darkest of nights but M65 and M66 were instantly visible. No structure as such but there was a hint of a brighter core. Unfortunately there was no sign of NGC 3628. I was looking in the right place, tried averted vision, but nothing! I'll try again when the moon has gone!

Malcolm 20230327_215128.thumb.jpg.9a727cc95f81308064de0aec32104b52.jpg



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8 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

Lucky you I am yet to see the Leo trio from home in 11 years since I got my first scope.

Yes, I do appreciate being able to see these, though I suspect with the local development that's going on, in a couple of years I may not be able to! A couple of years ago I was just able to see the milky way. I've not managed to see it this year!


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