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Bresser Photo Mount


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Hoping someone can help with this. I've just grabbed a

BRESSER Photo Mount [with tripod] from ebay: 





However, I now need to source some rechargeable batteries or a 6v DC power supply for it (United KIngdom)   


Anyone any ideas?

Edited by brenski
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1 hour ago, brenski said:

6v DC power supply

Most 6vDC gadgets can be run off a 5vDC rechargeable Powerbank. I believe the Bresser unit has a micro USB port so it should work fine.

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3 hours ago, Franklin said:

Most 6vDC gadgets can be run off a 5vDC rechargeable Powerbank. I believe the Bresser unit has a micro USB port so it should work fine.

thanks, will check this out

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2 hours ago, brenski said:

i've tried the thing today with the 8x 1.5v "D" batteries

I had a battery pack that took 8 x 1.5v D batteries and it supplied 12v DC to a GP mount. Is the Bresser tracker 6vDC or 12vDC?

Does the light come on the hand controller?

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58 minutes ago, Franklin said:

I had a battery pack that took 8 x 1.5v D batteries and it supplied 12v DC to a GP mount. Is the Bresser tracker 6vDC or 12vDC?

Does the light come on the hand controller?

the Bresser Photo Mount takes 8x 1.5v "D" batteries or 6v DC power via a plug (I don;t have one). I'm using 8x 1.5v "D" batteries .

The Red Light on the controller is illuminated, but the controller buttons have no affect at all. The mount does not move - even after a couple of hours!

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7 hours ago, Franklin said:

Should have turned about 30 degrees in that time.

yep, but hadn't moved at all.

first image shows that power is reaching handset, second image shows mark on motor unit indicating no movement has occurred




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May seem obvious but where the motor gear wheel engages with the worm gear, from your photo there appears to be a clutch, have you tightened the clutch? Are the grub screws that fix the gear to the worm tight?

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Also, you have power, so either the motor gear is not engaged with the worm correctly or the axis lock is not engaged or (worst case)the motor does not work. It looks like a standard RA motor and controller like the ones supplied with Bresser mounts. They are very quiet, but if you put your ear to the motor with the power on you should be able to hear a slight ticking noise. It's just a motor with a fixed gear which needs to engage with the worm gear for it to work. Without seeing it I don't know if it does have a clutch or whether it's the fixed type.

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yes, locked in place.

I've tried 32x > and even after ten mins of watching it the two marks I made have not changed position

and there's no noise from the motor unit at all

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Well if there's no ticking noise from the motor and you have power to the controller, it sounds like the motor may be faulty. How? I do not know, as there's not a lot to go wrong with them. I've had many similar motors on numerous mounts over the years and never known one not to work.

If the clutches and gears and the axis lock are tightened then the mechanics of the set up should be quite straightforward and be working. Maybe if you check the power wiring to the motor you may find the problem.

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i've a hunch that although the power is reaching the handset - it may not be transferring it to the motor.


apart from the Axis lock being tightened, how are the clutches and gears setup/tightened?

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There is a gear wheel with teeth connected to the shaft of the motor, this is fixed to the motor shaft via a grubscrew, nice and tight. There is a similar gear wheel connected to the worm gear on the mount, this can either be fixed to the shaft of the worm via a grubscrew or there may be a clutch. In which case the gear wheel will slide onto the shaft of the worm and only be fixed when the clutch is screwed down tight. Post a pic of where the motor connects to the worm.

1 hour ago, brenski said:

it may not be transferring it to the motor.

It could very well be a dodgy connection on the lead, some people yank them out by the lead rather than holding the plug!

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Looking at the picture above, the power lead is hard-wired from the controller so that end should be ok, but the motor end of the lead has a DIN plug, this would most likely be the culprit. The wiring inside the motor should be ok as well.

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