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Stellarium connection


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Hello and help.

I am trying to connect my Nexstar 5SE through my computer to use Stellarium.

I have already downloaded and set up CPWI. My mount connects without any problems. I am using the older phone jack type of serial connection on the hand controller. You might say that is enough but I just don’t like the appearance and working of CPWI. I have been using stellarium for a while to browse and plan what I might wand to try and look at. It feels more friendly.

I have been around in circles trying to get it connected. I am going mad with Com ports.

I had seen one YouTube video which used virtual Nexremote but I can not get through the virtual remote setup where Com ports are selected. When I try this on the virtual remote is does not retain the Com selections which I am aware should be different.

Even if I ignore the virtual nexremote I try to set up the stellarium connection. I create the new mount in configuration option and telescope setup pull down menu. It advises the mount is compatible but remains “stopped” after selecting connect.


where to next?



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